Patrick Omundson
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-288-1379
Go to the Current Standings

Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd  Opp RSI  This Match Total Points Matches RSI
Abe Brown 03/01/2020 6-1 6-1 - 67.597 300.000 1,412.364 4 - 4 176.546
Breck Myers 06/13/2019 6-4 6-4 - 106.541 240.000 1,112.364 3 - 4 158.909
Johnny Wessler 05/07/2019 4-6 5-7 - 148.626 93.634 872.364 2 - 4 145.394
Bobby Bullock 04/30/2019 6-2 6-3 - 171.882 270.000 778.740 2 - 3 155.748
Nitin Walyat 04/15/2019 3-6 1-6 - 276.250 77.350 508.740 1 - 3 127.185
Dan Self 04/09/2019 2-6 1-6 - 280.000 58.800 431.390 1 - 2 143.797
Amber Shah 04/05/2019 6-0 6-1 - 57.754 310.000 372.590 1 - 1 186.295
Jeff Guerin 03/31/2019 3-6 1-6 - 223.536 62.590 62.590 0 - 1 62.590