Abe Brown
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 843-476-1139
e-mail: abrown3253@aol.com
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Patrick Omundson 03/01/2020 1-6 1-6 176.546 24.716 475.695 1 - 6 67.957 Milt Anderson 02/23/2020 6-4 6-4 - 70.967 240.00 450.983 1 - 5 75.164 Roger Otzenberger 10/19/2019 2-6 2-6 175.438 49.123 210.938 0 - 5 42.188 Nitin Walyat 09/28/2019 0-6 1-6 252.640 17.685 161.815 0 - 4 40.454 Hector Brunet 9/16/2018 4-6 2-2 ret 215.00 25.80 144.13 0 - 3 48.04 Kevin Chhang 8/01/2018 2-6 1-6 - 201.92 36.35 118.33 0 - 2 59.17 Jeff Guerin 7/27/2018 0-6 5-7 - 273.26 81.98 81.98 0 - 1 81.98