Roger Otzenberger
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-208-9530
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Milt Anderson 10/27/2019 6-0 6-2 - 21.175 300.000 1,467.190 5 - 2 209.599 Kenneth Smith 10/24/2019 6-0 6-3 - 64.646 290.000 1,167.190 4 - 2 194.532 Abe Brown 10/19/2019 6-2 6-2 - 42.188 280.000 877.190 3 - 2 175.438 Jim Hawk 10/12/2019 6-3 6-4 - 63.660 250.000 597.190 2 - 2 149.298 Amber Shah 12/15/2018 6-1 6-1 - 64.380 300.000 347.190 1 - 2 115.730 Jeff Guerin 07/14/2018 1-6 0-6 - 271.580 27.190 47.190 0 - 2 23.600 Kevin Charles 06/09/2018 5-7 0-3 ret 200.000 20.000 20.000 0 - 1 20.000