Amber Shah
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-560-6796
Go to the Current Standings

Opponent Date  1st Set   2nd Set  10-pt 3rd  Opp RSI  This Match Total Points Matches RSI
Milt Anderson 11/09/2019 3-6 5-7 - 72.489 40.594 541.272 1 - 9 54.127
Kenneth Smith 10/04/2019 1-6 3-6 - 75.155 21.044 500.678 1 - 8 55.631
Nick Vergis 09/11/2019 1-6 1-6 - 170.808 23.913 479.634 1 - 7 59.954
Latourris Webb 04/26/2019 2-6 4-6 - 260.000 109.200 455.721 1 - 6 65.103
Patrick Omundson 04/05/2019 0-6 1-6 - 181.830 12.728 346.208 1 - 5 57.701
Roger Otzenberger 12/15/2018 1-6 1-6 - 115.730 13.890 333.480 1 - 4 66.700
Bobby Bullock 08/30/2018 1-6 0-6 - 226.540 13.590 319.590 1 - 3 79.900
Randolph Smith 08/27/2018 0-6 0-6 - 160.000 0.000 306.000 1 - 2 102.000
James Cowling 06/22/2018 6-3 6-2 - 27.000 250.000 306.000 1 - 1 153.000
Robert McKelva 05/28/2018 2-6 0-6 - 300.000 36.000 36.000 0 - 1 36.000