Bobby Bullock
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-294-2815
Go to the Current Standings

Opponent Date  1st Set   2nd Set  10-pt 3rd  Opp RSI  This Match Total Points Matches RSI
Patrick Omundson 04/30/2019 2-6 3-6 - 155.748 54.512 1,031.292 3 - 3 57.701
Breck Myers 10/19/2018 6-2 6-3 - 94.36 270.00 976.78 3 - 2 171.882
Jeff Guerin 10/04/2018 2-6 0-6   226.22 27.15 706.78 2 - 2 176.70
Amber Shah 08/30/2018 6-1 6-0 - 79.90 310.00 679.63 2 - 1 226.54
Johnny Wessler 08/27/2018 5-7 1-6   137.80 49.63 369.63 1 - 1 184.61
James Cowling 05/23/2018 6-0 6-0 - 0.00 320.00 320.00 1 - 0 320.00