Breck Myers
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-820-5286
Go to the Current Standings

Last 20 Matches
Opponent Date  1st Set   2nd Set  10-pt 3rd  Opp RSI  This Match Total Points Matches RSI
Patrick Omundson 06/13/2019 4-6 4-6 - 169.790 95.082 958.868 2 - 7 106.541
Johnny Wessler 04/20/2019 3-6 3-6 - 137.204 57.626 863.786 2 - 6 107.973
Neeraj Singh 3/09/2019 6-4 6-4 - 55.28 240.00 806.16 2 - 5 115.17
Bobby Bullock 10/19/2018 2-6 3-6 - 195.36 58.61 566.16 1 - 5 94.36
David Barry 10/12/2018 5-7 3-6 - 240.00 115.20 507.55 1 - 4 101.51
Brett Cain 7/09/2018 4-6 2-6 - 208.75 75.15 392.35 1 - 3 98.09
Nitin Walyat 6/17/2018 0-6 0-6 - 276.67 0.00 317.20 1 - 2 105.73
Nick Vergis 6/13/2018 6-4 6-3 - 230.20 250.00 317.20 1 - 1 158.60
Jeff Guerin 5/26/2018 2-6 2-6 - 280.00 67.20 67.20 0 - 1 67.20