Nitin Walyat
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 216-533-6047
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Greg Martin 02/01/2020 6-2 7-6 - 207.123 250.00 3,281.680 11 - 2 252.437 Abe Brown 09/28/2019 6-1 6-0 - 40.454 310.00 3,031.680 10 - 2 252.640 Johnny Wessler 09/28/2019 6-1 6-2 - 138.489 290.00 2,721.680 9 - 2 247.425 Kevin Chhang 05/17/2019 1-6 1-6 267.357 37.430 2,431.680 8 - 2 243.168 Dan Self 05/10/2019 7-5 3-6 1-10 275.000 184.250 2,394.250 8 - 1 266.028 Patrick Omundson 4/15/2019 6-3 6-1 - 127.185 280.00 2,210.00 8 - 0 276.250 Nick Vergis 9/02/2018 6-1 6-1 - 166.67 300.00 1,930.00 7 - 0 275.714 Jeff Guerin 9/01/2018 3 - 6 6 - 1 10 - 9 242.25 230.00 1,630.00 6 - 0 271.67 Kevin Chhang 8/15/2018 6-2 7-6 - 205.56 250.00 1,400.00 5 - 0 280.00 Randolph Smith 7/10/2018 6 - 0 6 - 0 - 0.00 320.00 1,150.00 4 - 0 287.50 Breck Myers 6/17/2018 6 - 0 6 - 0 - 105.73 320.00 830.00 3 - 0 276.67 Scott Friestad 6/03/2018 4 - 6 7 - 6 10 - 5 216.75 240.00 510.00 2 - 0 255.00 Jeff Guerin 6/02/2018 6 - 4 3 - 6 10 - 2 233.15 270.00 270.00 1 - 0 270.00