Dan Self
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-517-1271
e-mail: danjeffself@aol.com
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10 pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Michael Lauseng 10/12/2019 6-2 6-3 - 95.785 270.00 3,557.708 12 - 1 273.670 Kenneth Smith 09/28/2019 6-0 6-0 - 49.550 320.00 3,287.708 11 - 1 273.976 Johnny Wessler 09/21/2019 6-1 6-0 - 145.700 310.00 2,967.708 10 - 1 269.792 Jeff Guerin 07/13/2019 6-1 6-4 - 218.872 270.00 2,657.708 9 - 1 265.771 Mark Slate 06/04/2019 6-3 4-6 8-10 231.738 187.708 2,387.708 8 - 1 265.301 Nitin Wlayat 05/10/2019 5-7 6-3 10-1 266.028 300.000 2,200.00 8 - 0 275.000 Kevin Chhang 04/20/2019 7-6 5-7 10-7 255.146 220.00 1,900.00 7 - 0 271.429 Johnny Wessler 04/19/2019 6-2 6-2 - 119.661 280.000 1,680.000 6 - 0 280.000 Patrick Omundson 04/09/2019 6-2 6-1 - 143.797 290.000 1,400.000 5 - 0 280.000 Mark Slate 10/03/2018 6-4 2-6 10-1 261.48 270.00 1,110.00 4 - 0 277.50 Jeff Guerin 9/20/2018 6-0 6-3 - 221.05 290.00 840.00 3 - 0 280.00 Kevin Chhang 8/06/2018 6-3 6-1 - 197.46 280.00 550.00 2 - 0 275.00 Louis Guerin 7/13/2018 6-1 7-5 - 208.60 270.00 270.00 1 - 0 270.00