Mark Slate

Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 504-329-9373
Go to the Current Standings

Opponent Date  1st Set   2nd Set  10-pt 3rd  Opp RSI  This Match Total Points Matches RSI
Milt Anderson 09/14/2019 6-0 6-0 - 17.090 320.00 2,173.900 7 - 2 241.544
Dan Self 06/04/2019 3-6 6-4 10-8 265.301 210.000 1,853.900 6 - 2 231.738
Kevin Chhang 3/16/2019 2-6 3-6   259.89 77.97 1,643.90 5 - 2 234.843
Harry Johnson 12/06/2018 6-2 6-3 - 78.30 270.00 1,565.93 5 - 1 260.990
Richard Legendre 10/06/2018 4-6 6-4 10-5 128.88 250.00 1,295.93 4 - 1 259.190
Dan Self 10/03/2018 4-6 6-2 1-10 277.50 185.93 1,045.93 3 - 1 261.480
Kevin Chhang 8/25/2018 6-3 7-5 - 211.47 250.00 860.00 3 - 0 286.670
Kenneth Smith 8/19/2018 6-0 6-1 - 58.95 310.00 610.00 2 - 0 305.000
Jeff Guerin 8/08/2018 6-1 6-1 - 237.47 300.00 300.00 1 - 0 300.000