Kenneth Smith
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-888-1226
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Milt Anderson 11/02/2019 2-6 6-1 10-6 28.111 250.000 1,025.757 2 - 11 78.904 Roger Otzenberger 10/24/2019 0-6 3-6 - 194.532 40.852 775.757 1 - 11 64.646 Jeff Guerin 10/19/2019 0-6 2-6 - 193.943 27.152 734.905 1 - 10 66.810 Johnny Wessler 10/19/2019 0-6 3-6 - 149.312 31.356 707.753 1 - 9 70.775 Amber Shah 10/04/2019 6-1 6-3 55.631 280.00 676.397 1 - 8 75.155 Dan Self 9/28/2019 0-6 0-6 - 273.976 0.000 396.397 0 - 8 49.550 Jeff Guerin 9/16/2018 1-6 3-6 - 233.24 55.98 396.397 0 - 7 56.628 Trent Slate 9/05/2018 2-6 2-6 - 190.37 45.69 340.417 0 - 6 56.736 Mark Slate 8/19/2018 0-6 1-6 - 305.00 18.30 294.727 0 - 5 58.964 Roy Thomas 8/18/2018 1-6 2-6 - 295.00 53.10 276.427 0 - 4 69.107 Nick Vergis 8/15/2018 7-6 4-6 3-10 180.03 136.823 223.327 0 - 3 74.442 Jeff Guerin 8/11/2018 4-6 2-6 - 240.29 86.50 86.50 0 - 2 43.252 Kevin Chhang 8/01/2018 0-6 0-6 - 241.28 0.00 0.00 0 - 1 0.00