Richard Legendre
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 985-227-0046
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Levi Holley 3/08/2019 6-3 7-5 - 126.14 250.00 849.27 1 - 5 141.55 Kevin Chhang 10/17/2018 2-6 4-6 - 232.65 83.75 599.27 0 - 5 119.85 Mark Slate 10/06/2018 6-4 4-6 5-10 259.19 194.39 515.52 0 - 4 128.88 Jeff Guerin 8/30/2018 4-6 6-3 7-10 247.48 183.14 321.13 0 - 3 107.04 Louis Guerin 8/25/2018 2-6 3-6 - 241.80 72.54 137.99 0 - 2 69.00 Kevin Chhang 8/23/2018 3-6 2-6 - 218.18 65.45 65.45 0 - 1 65.45