Levi Holley
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-404-0316
e-mail: Leviholley05@gmail.com
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Kevin Chhang 3/15/2019 0-6 0-6 - 249.69 0.00 378.41 1 - 3 94.60 Richard Legendre 3/08/2019 3-6 5-7 - 141.55 67.94 378.41 1 - 2 126.14 Nick Vergis 3/07/2019 2-6 6-2 10-7 160.87 230.00 310.47 1 - 1 155.24 Jeff Guerin 3/06/2019 2-6 4-6 - 223.54 80.47 80.47 0 - 1 80.47