Louis Guerin
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-458-5259
e-mail: louisguerin3@gmail.com
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Jeff Guerin 09/21/2019 6-3 6-0 - 196.572 290.00 1,257.200 4 - 1 251.440 Richard Legendre 8/25/2018 6-2 6-3 - 69.00 270.00 967.20 3 - 1 241.800 Kevin Chhang 8/09/2018 6-1 6-3 - 207.95 280.00 697.20 2 - 1 232.400 Dan Self 7/13/2018 1-6 5-7 - 270.00 97.20 417.20 1 - 1 208.600 Kevin Charles 7/7/2018 6-0 6-0 - 100.00 320.00 320.00 1 - 0 320.000