James Cowling
Shreveport, LA
Prefers to play:
Cell Ph#: 318-401-0321
e-mail: jrunner71105@yahoo.com
Go to the Current Standings
Opponent Date 1st Set 2nd Set 10-pt 3rd Opp RSI This Match Total Points Matches RSI Amber shah 6/22/2018 3 - 6 2 - 6 - 150.00 45.00 81.00 0 - 3 27.00 Nick Vergis 6/04/2018 2 - 6 0 - 6 - 300.00 36.00 36.00 0 - 2 18.00 Bobby Bullock 5/23/2018 0 - 6 0 - 6 - 320.00 0.00 0.00 0 - 1 0.00